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How to Heat Your Home in Winter

Now that the cold weather is here, finding the best way to heat your home in winter is essential. While some homes have fireplaces, most use other heating appliances. Portable heaters can provide plenty of warmth while being easy to move around in any room. When they’re not in use, they can be kept in a spare room or garage without taking up a lot of space. Depending on the type of heater you choose, you don’t have to spend a fortune, either. Keep reading to get our suggestions on choosing the best way to heat your home.

Heating Your Home in Winter

Here are some of your options when heating your home in the winter months.

Gas heaters

Gas heaters are one of the most effective types of heaters. They heat up quickly and can easily heat up a room. Heat is spread across the room, much like a fireplace. If the heater is positioned to face the room, you’ll stay warm and cosy. Most gas heaters have three heat settings. These heaters use 9kg gas cylinders. While they are one of the easiest and most effective heaters, the downside is that you’ll need to replace the gas fairly often if you use the heater regularly. Although it’s not extremely expensive, it’s still an expense to consider. On the upside, as they don’t rely on electricity, you’ll stay warm throughout loadshedding.

Electric heaters

Electric heaters come in a variety of styles and sizes. One of the most common types of electric heater is the oil heater. These have metal columns with cavities inside, heater transfer oil flows through the heater, with a heating element at the bottom of the heater providing heat as the oil is heated. These heaters can be easily moved around as they have wheels. They also have multiple settings. Patio heaters or wall-mounted heaters are a good choice for bathrooms or outdoor areas. Bar heaters are ideal to heat smaller areas. Fan heaters can be placed beneath desks to keep you warm while you work or study. You could also choose a modern fireplace replica heater that adds style to your home. Of course, the one downside of electric heaters is that they won’t work during loadshedding. A backup power source can be used to keep your heater going, however!

MHC World offers a wide range of heaters to suit your needs. Shop our range to find the best way to heat your home this winter.

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